Saturday, April 4, 2009

a plethora of fantastic thangs

so i had to shoot out home to long island for a doctors appointment thursday night and i can't believe i was already back in brooklyn last night. eesh! well the weather by us was rather scummy but it made a for a gorgeous front yard panoramic! that is the sod field across the street and i love how it just seems absolutely endless. and on the left is this incredibly old and dilapidated barn that i hope they never knock down because its been there since i can remember and theres been a few barns that i loved that were knocked/fell down.

now, for another fun thing to add, i was walking home from the printmaking studio today and i came upon a crate of book in the garbage and oh my god was there a great selection. i basically took all of them, i left a history book (booooring). and i got home very excitedly and plopped on my bed and began flipping through, and out slips a polaroid picture! of very nutty looking people! hahahah i couldn't believe how a great dumpster dive turned into an even better find! woohooo